Sunday, November 15, 2015

Mannheim STINKS

November 9th, 2015

On Wednesday of last week, my old Ward Mission Leader from Saarbrücken called me up and asked how the air smelled over here. Apparently, Mannheim is known for its unpleasant smell. It either smells like sour beer or burnt chocolate depending on what part of town you are in. It is the strangest thing. Every time this last week when I caught a whiff of the smell and gagged, Sister Roderer would laugh and say, "Herzlich Willkommen zu Mannheim!" (Welcome to Mannheim). Fortunately, I got over the smell and we had a killer week!

To start it off, last P-day I got my scissors out again and cut off Sister Roderer's hair. She was feeling adventurous and I was able to participate in cutting off a solid foot before the Hairstylist made it look good. (Pictures below). Fun fact about German culture: I love how blunt Germans are. For those who are Color Code fans, Germany is a perfect example of the Red color. They are INCREDIBLY honest, which is sometimes a stark contrast to the American culture of telling people what they want to hear. All of the German members and investigators who know Sister Roderer told her straight up what they thought of her hair. She got the "no! Why did you cut away your long hair! What were you thinking?!" To "that looks so great on you, it fits your face" etc. etc. I think it looks great but I would never be brave enough to cut away my hair like that. In fact, I haven't had a haircut in well over ten months. 

Anyway, side tangents... This week we worked! We are slowly getting the ball rolling again in Mannheim. (That English idiom does not work translated into German...tried it this week, got an awkward stare from an old man. Language is fun, isn't it?) 

As usual, there is no way I can possibly summarize a week of events, appointments, etc. etc. in a General Email. So here are two highlights:

Sandra...oh my goodness. Have you ever had those moments where you feel so humbled that you want to cry? This was one of those moments. X10. We came into this lesson having zero time to prepare, because we were flooded with appointments beforehand. So we definitely had a rocky, and kind of awkward start to the lesson. Fortunately, God prepares a way to smooth out our rough edges and work through our mistakes. This was quite possibly the most spiritual lesson I have ever been apart of!

Sandra became a new investigator this week, but her investigation of the Church rooted from her boyfriend who is a strong member. She had attended Church several times with him already and has read about 75 pages into the Book of Mormon. She grew up very religious in another Church but said that she never felt a strong relationship or connection to God. It wasn't until she started reading in the Book of Mormon and attending Church that something triggered inside of her. 

At one point during the lesson, I began emphasizing the importance of asking God if any of this is true. It makes no sense for anyone to listen to us as Missionaries - to take our word for Truth. We should always go to the source of truth - namely, our Heavenly Father. As we talked about this principle, Sandra looked at us and with the sweetest reply said, "When I read from the Book of Mormon, it rings true to me. I feel it and I don't doubt that it isn't true. I can definitely still pray about it if you want me to, but I already know the answer." As she said this, she started to cry. And then her boyfriend started to cry as he put his arm around her supporting her. She wants to make a step of faith and be baptized, but she feels an overwhelming loyalty to her family and the generations of activity in their Church. She worries about their rejection of her faith and she knows she has to prepare them for it. 

I believe that both Sandra and her boyfriend started crying because the Spirit testified to them right then and there how serious this was. Sandra is preparing to change her entire life. These kind of changes are a lot bigger than any one person - they affect families. I am a witness of that as I was baptized into a faith not shared by my family. I feel privileged to be able to continue meeting with Sandra and helping her prepare for these life changes that bring the ultimate happiness in life. And I am excited for the day when this young couple get married - because they are basically the most adorable people I have ever met. You could feel the love that they had for each other in that room. It was incredible.  

Man, Now I have no time for the other big highlight of the week! Doreen. We found a new investigator and had a miracle lesson with her. Ended up setting a baptismal date for the 19th of December with her, but because she lives in Worms, we will be having a hand-over lesson with the Elders there who will then continue teaching her. Super excited for Doreen! 

I am loving my time in Mannheim. And I am especially grateful for Sister Roderer. She is the best companion I could have ever asked for. I feel limitless working with her because we both have the same desires to work hard and exercise the faith to find the people prepared to accept the Gospel. In the last week, Mannheim has seen more success than it has in the last year. It is incredible what God has been able to do. 

I have you all love! :) 
Sister Kristyn Helmick

Funny moment of the week: Right after we stopped a man on the Street who immediately and impolitely rejected us, we walked past a thick piece of German chocolate on the cement. It was unwrapped. Sister Roderer turned to me and cried out in sadness. I then said, "Sister Roderer, it is pretty pathetic that both of us are probably more upset about that piece of chocolate going to waste than that man who just rejected us." ...her silence then followed by laughter confirmed the irony! 

That happened this morning. Had to thaw out our tiny refrigerator.

Cutting Sister Roderer's Hair.

A member we visit is a crazy origami artist. So cool!

Missionaries in Mannheim.

Some sceneries here. :)

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