Sunday, November 15, 2015

Oregon in the Midst of Germany!

August 10th, 2015
I feel betrayed. EVERYONE told me that Herne was ugly, industrialized (did I spell that correctly?), and that I was going to the worst part of the Mission. When I stepped off the bus into Herne, I looked at the other Missionaries there and almost cried. I feel like I found my place! Oregon in the midst of Germany! It is SO green here. There is so much nature all around me and it just smells like Oregon! I am seriously staring outside the window right now as I am typing this email and I am in shock.
I cannot even begin to describe how perfect this area feels to me. My companion, Sister Taylor is an....drum roll please...OREGONIAN! The first time I met her was actually on the phone. She had already heard that I am from Oregon so the first question she asked me was, "So, are you a Duck or a Beaver?" She comes from Roseburg, Oregon. She is 23 years old, she went to school in Oregon for a couple years before coming out on a Mission. She is super out-going, funny, hard-working, oh mensch, I could brag about her on and on. I just love her to pieces. We work incredibly well together...And, she is going home next Transfer. That means that in 6 weeks I will be taking over Herne.
On Friday, we had a Street Display at the Shopping Plaza in Herne. Our District got together as well as 5 or 6 members! I have never had members participate before in a Street Display and it was so inspiring and simply fantastic. Two of the people we met at the Street Display came to Church for the first time yesterday. And you know who the first person to greet them and sit by them were? It was the members! That is how it should be. I am so impressed with the involvement of the people in my Gemeinde in Herne. I get along with them so well already, I feel like my personality and experiences fit in perfectly. I just can't get over it. I hope that I stay here for another 6 months like I did in Saarbrücken.
Sister Taylor and I sat down on Saturday and made goals for our next Transfer. I have made a Mission Revolution, so to say. And the result will be that this transfer is going to be the best six weeks - because I refuse to send Sister Taylor home on a less-than-spectacular-note. A positive attitude makes the BIGGEST difference. The other day, Sister Taylor and I did 3 hours of doors. I have done doors in the past, and they have not always been my favorite finding activity. But oh meine güte! Those were some of the best 3 hours I have ever had with finding!
My theme for this transfer is, "Where is your faith?" Every time that I have a doubt or a thought come into my head that would prevent me from doing what Heavenly Father needs me to do, I ask myself (and my comp) "Where is your faith?" And then I just do it. Nike knows where it's at.
I have grown so much this week. Leaving Saarbrücken was really, really hard. It was not easy saying goodbye to the people, Sister Bates, and even my apartment! But once I stepped into Herne, I just felt that peace again. I know that I am where I am supposed to be.
Have a wonderful week my friends! And ask yourself, "Where is your faith?"
Liebe Grüße,
Sister Helmick

My umbrella broke again as we were grocery shopping.


Trying them on.

I need it!!


I live in paradise! Our walk to Church.

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