Sunday, November 8, 2015

Call 911! Wait, what is 911 in Germany?!

July 27th, 2015
Prepare yourselves for the most detailed email I have ever sent.
On Friday morning as Sister Bates and I were walking to our Street Display, I pulled out our cell phone really quick to call the Bitburg Elders about setting up. The second I pulled out our cell phone, Stella's name popped up. I answered cheerfully with a "Hey Stella, how are you doing?" only to hear muffled breathing. Immediately, I stopped and walked into the shade, pulling Sister Bates alongside me.
"Sister Helmick, do you have time right now?" I quickly assured her that we always have time for her. She then explained to me (taking a long time between breaths) that she was on her way to a doctor's appointment and had a bit of an accident. She was taking a bus and ended up getting off early because it was just too hot.
I immediately asked her which Haltestelle she was at and assured her that we were on our way to help her. After telling me the name of the Haltestelle she whispered, "Sister Helmick, please hurry. Please help me."

People, this phone call scared the heck out of me. As soon as I hung up the phone, I started sprinting to the bus stop - yelling at my companion that "Stella's in trouble - she needs us!" After talking to Sister Bates later, she told me that she was nearly 100% positive that Stella was having her baby and we were going to help! Haha...lack of communication in time of a crisis.
As we were running up the hill to the bus stop (there is ALWAYS a hill, I swear!), I called the Bitburg Elders and told them to carry on with the Street Display without us and explained that our new convert was in trouble. They had a pair of Elders go with us.
Luckily, the bus we needed to take was right there the moment we all ran up to it. As we stood there on the bus - I finally explained the situation with Stella to the Elders and Sister Bates. I think everyone thought I was being a crazy person and overreacting until we saw Stella laying on the steps.
I rushed over to one side of her as Sister Bates ran to her other. The Elders stood in front of us all - and I asked about her symptoms and when the last time was that she had eaten and dranken (is that correct English grammar? Ugh. It is going out the window the more I speak German). She tried to explain that everytime she tries to drink and eat she feels like throwing up. I think that all of us around her overwhelmed her. All of a sudden, she grabbed my hand and literally fell into my lap.
We happened to be right next to a Hospital - so I had the Elders go call a nurse out to look at Stella. In the meantime, Sister Bates fanned Stella with her planner as I patted her back and held her hand. She whispered that she felt like her head wouldn't stop spinning.
The nurse came out with a pitcher of water and tried to get Stella to drink. She refused to. After the nurse walked back inside the hospital - I looked at my companion and the Elders feeling so helpless. Sister Bates and I looked at each other and then agreed.
We told the Elders, "Call 911 and get an ambulance! Wait, what is 911 in Germany?" (Shoutout to the Shurts Family. Michaela never actually emailed us the number in her emergency experience! It is 112 for anyone who ever happens to need it in the future.)
The Elders then went back and talked with the nurse - who then called an ambulance. After assuring the Elders that we were okay, they returned to the Street Display. When the Ambulance finally arrived, they looked to us to translate for Stella. I quickly became aware of my lack of vocabulary for explaining medical we said what we could and then used hand motions to explain the rest.
As we were helping Stella up and walking her into the ambulance, I asked the woman if we could come along with her. She then told us that only one of us could come along. "Nein - das geht nicht!" I explained to her that we are kind of a package deal and that we were all that Stella has for today. So, she consented and let us all cram in.
Let me explain how I am in emergency situations...I am already naturally worry-prone and anxious - so you put me in an ambulance with a good friend of mine - who just happens to be 7 1/2 months pregnant (that is like amplifying the worry by 1.5!) and then I pray like nonstop. I was definitely on edge, but was feeling better with a sense of control. Sister Bates on the other hand was a happy camper! She was sitting there telling Stella stories and trying to make her laugh and was so upbeat as I was holding Stella's hand trying to relax.
To save this story from being ridiculously long - I will summarize the rest: We made it to the hospital and the nurses hooked Stella up to a bunch of machines. Her blood pressure had dropped dangerousily low - which is what caused her nearly fainting in my lap and feeling dizzy. After we got some food into her and liquids she started to feel better. We then stayed with her for approximately 4 hours as she recovered. We also helped her fill out a ton of paperwork in German.
After realizing that we needed some help with the translations - we called our Hungarian Gemeinde Mission Leader who rushed over to help us. After spending the Ewigkeit in the Hospital, we were all ready to get out of there. Stella is doing fine, she just needs to be especially careful in this heat, and the doctor's have forbidden her from ridding buses (ohne AC, it is like being in a sauna) without someone with her.


We have our transfer calls this coming Saturday.. Later, after Stella thanked us for all we did for her, she said, "I am going to be praying everyday that you don't get transfered." Ahh!
My heart has grown three sizes for this woman. I am so grateful that we were able to be there for her when she needed us.
This week was full of great appointments, language barriers, hard days, good days, emotional days...everything. Including a trip to the ER. But through it all, I have felt an overwhelming amount of the Lord's love for me, for my investigators and for the members here in Saarbrücken. I know without a question that this is where I am supposed to be.
Thank you for supporting me and loving me while I'm out here in Germany.
Liebe Grüße,
Sister Helmick
P.S. Yes, the day on Friday ended with us all having a good time. Our GML put a basketball in his shirt to poorly mimic Stella's pregnancy. Laughing is really the best medicine sometimes!

Notice the resemblence? Elder Lee and a modern day caveman. Pictures from our Zoo Pday last week.

He didn't actually hug me. Just being a dork! Possibly my last Gemieko with Peter! (Ward Mission Meeting - He is our WML.)

Splits with Sister W!

Settlers of Catan in German! (It is actually a German Game) Young Single Adult activity on Friday.

Beautiful Heidelberg

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