Monday, July 20, 2015

You have to learn to laugh at the little bumps in the road...Stella's Baptism!

June 29th, 2015
Hallo Familie und Freunden!
This week was beyond comprehension. For the last three weeks or so, Members in our Ward have been fasting for the missionary work here in Saarbrücken. Sister Burgess, a member in the Relief Society Presidency in our ward, was inspired to create a Calendar Chart where members take a day and fast in behalf of our work. They are fasting every day for 40 Days. I have literally felt lifted up during this period that they have been fasting. I have felt the power and the promise from D&C 33:10, "Yea, open your mouths and they shall be filled..." This week was another week of miracles and adventures.
On Tuesday we went by and visited Frau Rausch - the ex-step-daughter of Sister Lieber. Sister Lieber passed away a few weeks ago. We went by and dropped off some flowers and a card. To our surprise - Frau Rausch welcomed us in and insisted that we stayed for some drinks and food. We visited with her and her husband for a little while and then shared the video Because of Him with them. The video was made by the Church for Easter last year. It focuses on the Resurrection of Christ. As we shared this Film with them, we were able to Testify that there is in fact a life after death.
Frau Rausch and her husband ended up not being interested in continuing to meet with us, but the meeting was incredibly positive. I felt that the Lord was happy with us that we took the time to visit her and offer our condolences for the passing of Sister Lieber. In the end, she gave us each a few personal items from Sister Lieber. Things that she would want us to have. It meant a lot to me.

The Baptism - Oh my goodness! Where to begin... I am so embarrassed to have to tell write this story out. Luckily, our ward and our investigator all have a great sense of humor! Soo, Sister Bates and I got to the Church early to fill up the baptismal font. Well, what do you know, the water came out burning hot. We didn't realize how hot it really was until the entire font was filled. In a battle against time, Sister Bates and I opened all of the windows and doors, trying to cool down the font. Before we knew it, our ward showed up - as did Stella.
Annnd then, it was officially 3pm - the scheduled time for the Baptism. Instead of the picture-perfect service that we had been hoping for, a team of women and men from the Church ended up getting in a line, each person bringing a bucket of cold water and dumping it into the font. It was a battle of draining the water in the font and then adding in new cold water. Sister Burgess, Sister Kras and I ended up sticking out feet in the water every few minutes to see if it was a decent temperature. Every five minutes or so they would say "Nope! Not yet. You can't make a pregnant woman be baptized in that!"
Stella ended up taking a bunch of pictures of all of us running around looking like fools. I am SO grateful that everyone was so patient and had a great sense of humor! You have to learn to laugh at the little bumps in the road, it makes the ride all the more enjoyable.
In the end, the water was finally decent enough for the Baptism. We started the service at about 3:45pm. Stella's mother language is English - but she is so kind and thoughtful that she requested the Service to be in German so that everyone else could understand. So for the first half of the service, Sister Bates translated for Stella - and I translated for the second half. When it finally came to the actual ordinance of baptism, I could hardly hold myself together. Sister Bates, Stella and I all went into the back where Stella walks down the steps and enters into the Font. Before she walked into the font - she looked at both of us and whispered that she was nervous. We each hugged her and gave her words of encouragement. I helped her walk down the steps into the font. Elder Hudson was the one who actually baptized her - and as he stepped into the font he had a look of concern on his face. He told us that the font was still decently warm.
After asking Stella if she was okay, she nodded a firm yes and later told us that she likes hot showers! Haha.
So, Sister Bates and I watched from the sidelines as Elder Hudson baptized Stella. I felt so much happiness in that moment for her. It was beyond incredible. She came out of the water laughing she was so happy! (We at first we thought she was crying...I was worried that the water burned her face!) But when she turned around and looked up at us smiling, I felt so much relief. She reluctantly said, "I want to do that again!"

Stella has become more than an investigator of mine, or now a convert. She is my friend. I have learned so much from her example and her positivity! These people that I've met have impacted me in a way I never before anticipated. I never imagined that going on a Mission would teach me so much about what kind of person I want to be when I get home. I can honestly say that I have never been happier.
Sister Helmick

Anna Katrin and I.

Stella! Baptism picture.

"Sister Helmick - I'm like a baptism and a half!" --Stella

Me telling Stella...That the baptismal clothes make everyone look bad. Not just pregnant
women seventh months along. ;)

Testing the water and seeing if Stella could "take the heat".

"Sister Helmick - you're so funny. You are holding your feet apart as if trying to make it look like out bucket of water was really heavy." -Sister Bates

Dumping water.

Sister Kras - checking to see how hot the water is!

This picture sums up the Baptism!

Elder Hudson and Stella.

Testing the water.

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