Monday, July 20, 2015

I'm Okay Not Being Perfect.

July 13th, 2015
This week was one of those weeks were SO MUCH HAPPENED, I am tired just thinking about it. It was a great week! Here are the tiny details that come to mind:
--   Sister Bates and I have been doing a ton of finding lately. It has been hard, exhausting work, especially with the weather being as hot as it has been! But the Lord has been helping us, that I am certain of.
     We have found 2 new investigators this week, as well as 5 potential investigators. Yesterday, one of our new investigators came to Church for the first time! His name is Desire. He is an older man, about 70 or so, but mensch - let me tell you, that man is a firecracker! He has become friends with basically everyone in our ward, and only in his visit! Desire is very out-going, talkative, and he can make anyone laugh. (side-tangent: I LOVE it when I can understand German jokes. They are so much funnier in another language!) Desire is definitely an interesting guy, I am super excited to continue working with him.
--   Update on Stella: I love this woman. I seriously didn't know it was possible to feel so much love for people until I came here! Stella teaches me by her humble example every time I meet with her. Right now she is VERY pregnant - it has been especially hard for her during this heat. In addition to that, she has been having some personal trials that are simply hard. As her "Missionaries" of simply friends, it has been hard for me to see her struggling and knowing that there really isn't much I can personally do to help.
     As I was expressing these feelings to her yesterday, she looked at me incredulously and said, "Of course you can help me! You can pray for me everyday." Wow. Her faith strengthens mine.
--   Last detail from this week that comes to mind... On Friday evening, Rüdiger had Sister Bates and the Elders and I over for a Family Home Evening (great program of the Church! Once a week, usually includes a spiritual thought, food, and activity) and we taught the Plan of Salvation as a part of his post-baptism lessons. I experienced a powerful and personal lesson as I was teaching Rüdiger about the Atonement of Christ. The Spirit was there - and it was teaching me too.
     Rüdiger was struggling with the concept of Grace. As we were discussing Christ's Atonement and what it means, Rüdiger kept on bringing up what he has to do. He said, "Well, I have to read my scriptures, I have to pray and I have to go to Church, etc. etc." As we were talking about the need for Grace, a scripture immediately came to mind that I opened up and shared with him:

In D&C 45:3-5, Christ is pleading with the Father for us. "Listen to him who is the advocate with the Father, who is pleading your cause before him
Saying: Father, behold the sufferings and death of him who did no sin, in whom thou wast well pleased;
behold the blood of thy Son which was shed, the blood of him whom thou gavest that thyself might be glorified.
Wherefore, Father, spare these my brethren that believe on my name, that they may come unto me and have everlasting life."

     As I shared this, I felt impressed to tell Rüdiger the following, "These verses don't say, 'Behold - the works of Sister Helmick, all of the perfect good that she did' - because I'm not perfect. None of us are and that is the very reason why we need a Savior." Sister Bates then explained the importance of living the Gospel and obeying the Commandments. But in the end we know "that it is by grace that we are saved, after all we can do" (2 Nephi 25:23).
    As we were talking about the Atonement and helping Rüdiger understand it, I reflected on the words I had just spoken. None of us are perfect and that is why we need a Savior... Being on a Mission has made me painfully aware of my innate perfectionist tendencies. It has been hard for me at times as I tend to be very hard on myself when I make mistakes. Sister Bates once told me that being on a Mission doesn't just magnify your strengths, but your weaknesses too. It is like the Refiner's Fire, put under intense heat, the inpurities or weaknesses float to the top and the Refiner can scrap them away.
     So it's okay where I am at right now. I'm okay not being perfect, because I know that each day is an opportunity to be a little better. That's why we have a Savior. Through Him, there are always second chances.
I love you all!
Sister Helmick
P.S. Merry Christmas in July!

In my little town of BELGIUM CHOCOLATE! It makes German chocolate taste bad. ;)

There is caramel inside. :D


Merry Christmas in July!

Fun German fact of the day: German blankets have this big fluffy insert inside of them - I think it must be duck feathers. Well, it is SUFFOCATING in this heat. So Sister Bates and I took them out. Currently we sleep with just our sheets and our fan in our bedroom.

Service? We're down.

James thought they should call the Elders...But Sisters can use tools too! Haha. Assembling cabinets.

Our relationship in a picture.

St. Wendel.

Sister Bates and I.

Sunburns. ;(

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