Monday, March 30, 2015

The People here have stolen my heart.

I love Little old ladies! When I grow up, I want to be just like them some day. 

Here in Saarbrücken, Sister Lyman and I visit a lot of the widows in our ward. We serve them, often times, by being an ear and just listening to them. The Bishopric has specifically asked us to visit teach them until the Ward organizes a solid visiting teaching. Our ward has been struggling recently. So we do a lot of Member-Support and less-active work. 

I am amazed by These women. Many of them have lived through the War. Their strength and Courage inspire me. On Sunday, the oldest woman in our ward, Sister Güsgen, gave a talk about Prayer. She is widowed and her Body is very weak due to Age. She is also a convert of about 60 years. She needed help to stand during her talk. She literally used every ounce of her strength to bear her testimony that Jesus Christ lives and that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is His restored Church. She said that even after 60 years of going to Church, she knows how important it is to go every Sunday. The People here have truly stole my heart, I don't want to leave Saarbrücken. 

Earlier this week, everything seemed to be going wrong. We have several cancelled appointments and to make it worse - we ended up locking ourselves out of our Apartment. We had planned to visit a former investigator, Frau Kirsch and we were beyond frusterated that our plans were ruined. We ended up coming up with an alternative plan for several hours. By the time we received a spare key it was nearly 7pm. (Which is late for the People here. Most People are home and retired in the evenings by that time). Sister Lyman and I prayed about it and ended up deciding to still vorbei on Frau Kirsch. 

As we got on the bus - lo and behold - we ran into Frau Kirsch! She had been out with her boyfriend and they had gotten dinner that night. We chatted with them for the bus ride and they ended up having us over for Drinks until the return bus could take us home. They told us that they had been out running errands all day, so if we had stopped by any earlier we would've missed them. Heavenly Father has plans that are beginner than ours. He knew that we needed to meet with them on that bus.

As we were talking, Frau Kirsch told us that her boyfriend's Opa (Gpa) had passed away a few days previously. Frau Kirsch had taken all of the Missionary lessons but had decided to discontinue Meeting with the Missionaries formally. As they were talking about His death, her boyfriend made the comment that he will never see him again.

Sister Lyman and I were able to testify that He would. The mood in the room changed. Frau Kirsch said, "He'll be taught about the the next life... right?" She remembered the Plan of Salvation that we had previously taught her. We were able to again testify to them both that this life is not the End and that those who have died without a knowledge of the Gospel, will have the Chance to learn of it in the next life. 

I remember the day when two Elders taught me the Plan of Salvation. They laid down lamenated circles on the ground - one for each Phase of God's Plan.
I remember looking at the Plan of Salvation and simply knowing that I had seen it before. This life is not the end. 

"But there is a resurrection, therefore the grave hath no victory, and the sting of death is swallowed up in Christ" (Mosiah 16:8). I know that this is true with everything that I am. Having this priviledge of teaching this to others, just as I was once taught, gives this time I have in Germany so much meaning. 

With Easter right around the corner, I invite you all to take a couple minutes and watch this video entitled "Because of Him."

Thank you for the continued love and Support! 
Sister Helmick

The oldest Castle in Saarland

The American Base Elders gave us Mac & Cheese!

Another Castle View!

Right next to the oldest Castle there is a Monument. I believe it is for Animal Support.

Giant bird Tree...random right?

My trainer's MTC comp and her golden! They are both Training right now.

I loved running into Sister Sant at Zone Conference! She was in my MTC Group.

Sister Lyman and I with the Chinese Alligators... I was just at Gaterland in Florida a few months ago! Now Germany. Wow.

Tower description

There are tons of older Churches in Germany.

Sister Lyman calls this the "poop tunnel". Did you know that is legal to poop in the streets of Germany? So Long as you don't expose yourself...this tunnel smells like a disturbing gas Station bathroom. But worse.

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