Monday, March 16, 2015

Germany is truly the Melting Pot of the World!

Oh meine güte...This week was crazy busy! It was full of appointments, loads of laughs, plenty of mistakes with speaking German, sprinting to make Trains and buses in time, and most importantly - tiny miracles each day. 

As I mentioned earlier, we are the first Sister Missionaries serving in Saarbrücken in over 20 years. Because of this - we have a TON of work to do with less-active members, visiting teaching, and potential investigators. Every day I wake up excited to learn, teach, and love These People. 

The Food... Wow. We had a dinner appointment with a less active Lady. She spent two hours cooking for us and she is in her 80s! We visit a lot of These older ladies. Most of them are widowed and they live alone, so they look Forward to our visits. Anway, at our dinner appointment she served us two large Scoops of a very common dish called Kanoodle... It is essentially thick stuffing and potatoes. It is very dense as well. I...really dislike it. A lot. But I ate it all! In fact, I ate it all so quickly that Sister Lieber plopped two more balls on my plate because she thought that I liked it so much! Haha. It made her happy to see that I was eating so much though, so that's what matters. 

Other than the Kanoodles, I love the Food here! It is definitely comfort Food though. And for some reason, everyone thinks that the Sister Missionaries starve everyday, so we are fed A TON of Food. I'm slightly worried about the weight gain! Haha. 

The Culture... Germany is truly the melting pot of the world. I have met People from all over the world in Saarbrücken. Sometimes this can make our missionary work more difficult because German is definitely not the only language spoken here. We try our best though. 

I experienced a real miracle this week with missionary work! We met with a Family this week who all speak Romanian. The mother is pregnant with her 6th child and her 5 other children speak Romanian as well. Her husband speaks Spanish. One of the older children speaks better German from School. Anyway, they have been reading out of the Romanian Book of Mormon together and have been wanting to learn more. The oldest child translates for us, but the Father cannot read in Romanian or German. So we gave him a Spanish book of Mormon. This week we have a teaching appointment with this Family and we are bringing a Spanish-speaking member with us to help translate...All of this has been very humbling for me! I can hardly speak German, and here we are, teaching a lesson to a Family who desperately wants to learn. From German to Spanish to Romanian... The Spirit was so strong when we were teaching this Family. I have such a strong testimony of the Holy Ghost, because I know that we are not the ones who are teaching this Family and filling their hearts. 

D&C 18:10: "Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God" 

We are all Children of God, even those who reject him or do not yet know Him. And that is why He sends Missionaries - to preach the Gospel. 

Matthew 18:20: "For where two or three are gathered together in my Name, there am I in the midst of them." 

Thank you for all of your personal emails of love and Support, and especially for your prayers. They lift me up. 

Sending all of my love,
Sister Helmick

First German Chocolate!

Pretty Church (not ours).
It is so beautiful here!

More service this week.

The Elders call this the Cancer Tree. They are all over Saarbrücken!

Where I sleep.

Our Church Building! It is so cute!

Our toilet has a zebra cover on it...the Elders lived here before us....haha!!

Overlooking Saarbrücken!

This is the Straussenbahn that we use everyday to travel. It is a few blocks from our Apartment.

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