Monday, April 27, 2015

"I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you" (John 14:18).

April 20th, 2015

A less-active Member in our Ward, Sister Lieber, had been sick for a few weeks and she was in the Hospital. Sister Lieber is a super sweet lady who we helped get back to Church for the first time in 50 years. She is someone we consistently meet with.

Last week, she was released from the Hospital and we called her and set up an appointment to meet with her. She sounded fine on the phone and we were excited to see her again. We made it to her house and klinged her door, only to have no answer. We called her and again there was no answer.

Sister Lieber NEVER cancels on us, so Sister Lyman and I thought that she may be back in the Hospital. We called the Bishopric and no one had any idea who to call to check in our her. Her family lives far away and they are not very close. She has a daughter-in-law who lives a few floors beneath her, but we did not have her number.

On Wednesday, during our Abendessen, I had a random thought to call Sister Lieber. I acted on that thought and the phone kept on ringing and ringing. Sister Lyman told me just to hang up because there was no answer. I stayed on the line and on the last ring someone answered. It was Sister Lieber's daughter-in-law! 

From her we were able to get the directions to the Hospital that Sister Lieber is staying in. The next day, we traveled to Sulzbach and found her Hospital room.

As I walked into her room and she saw my face and then Sister Lyman's - she looked so incredibly shocked. I went to shake her hand and she pulled me down and hugged me. As I put my arms around her I truly felt like I was filling the role of our Savior. 

She has no one close to her in her life right now. She is widowed, she lives alone, and she is very lonely. We were her only visitors, other than her daughter-in-law that came to see her. She started to cry and she asked us how we found her. She had no phone and no way to get in contact with us. 

When we told her about the thought I had to call her randomly and how her daughter-in-law just happened to be in her house and that exact moment, Sister Lyman and I testified to her that God had not forgotten her. He sent us to her. 

The Elders came over and gave her a Priesthood Blessing. She has Lungenentzündung, which is an Amonia in English. 

It is experiences like this that motivate me to wake up every morning and do the work that I do. Heavenly Father is aware of each of us, He knows our struggles and our concerns. He has lifted me up when I have struggled here. His promise is true - "I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you" (John 14:18). 

Liebe Grüße,
Sister Helmick

Heidelberg Castle.

I went on a split to Heidelberg! One of the most admired castles.
Heidelberg is beautiful!

The view from Sister Lieber's hospital room in Sulzbach.


First picture with my trainer, mission president and his wife.

Zone Training Picture!

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