Monday, April 27, 2015

Ahh! This week was such a great week!

April 13th, 2015

Ahh! This week was such a great week! I don't know where to start...

Okay, maybe with the not-so-god stuff. On Monday and Tuesday my sickness took a sharp turn. For about the last 6 weeks, I have had a pretty bad head cold that just wouldn't go away. Sinus pain, tightness in my temple, ear pain, eye pain, everything. I was in contact with the Mission Nurse, Sister Casselton, for a while. She had me try different over-the-counter medicines but my body just wouldn't get over it! So I ended up meeting with a German doctor. 

He performed an ultrasound on my face. That was different! Haha. Turns out I have a pretty bad case of sinusitis. The doctor prescribed me some antibiotics. The Elders also gave me a Priesthood Blessing - and I feel SO much better. the good stuff:
On the way home from an appointment with one of our investigators, Ellen, we unfortunately were separated on a bus. Normally, we try to sit together - but this bus was super crowded. So we ended up sitting with different people. Randomly, a woman say my name tag and she started speaking to me in English. She asked me if I was from America. Turns out her brother lives in California. I started to chat with this lady - in an awkward English-German dance. Or Danglish. She wanted to practice her English, and I tried to respond in German. 

When I mentioned to her that I am serving as a Missionary, here in Saarbrücken, she immediately interrupted me and told me that she is an Atheist... We started to talk about her past experiences. She had a sister who tragically died, and she came from an incredible hard up-bringing. She said that these experiences made it hard for her to believe and hope for a Savior. As I was listening to her talk, I was praying silently for help. I was sitting across from her at the front of the bus stop - facing everyone else on the bus. During our conversation, I felt the eyes of the neighboring men and women. They were listening in and seeing how I would respond. So many people here mock religion or do not believe in God.

As I silently prayed, 1 Nephi 11:17 came to mind. When Nephi was asked if he understood the condescension of God. He responded by saying, 
"I know that he loveth his children; nevertheless, I do not know the meaning of all things."

I began to testify to her - and to the people who were watching me, that I know that God lives. And I know that He loves us. The woman's eyes filled with tears. I have never felt the Spirit so strongly, as I did when I was testifying on that bus. 

In the end, she declined my invitation for us to meet with her. She said it would be too emotionally hard for her. But she thanked me - she thanked me for listening to her and for my kindness. 

Second quick story:
We have a new investigator! Her name is Cindy and she is from Jamaica. Oh meine güte, Cindy is so wonderful! I love her already. She is about 45 years old, and she comes from a Christian background. She hasn't attended a Christian Church since 2013 though, she had several bad experiences in the past. We ended up giving her a Church Tour and then had a lesson in the Chapel. We taught her about the Restoration of the Gospel. Everything made sense to her - she had too wondered why there are so many different Churches, so many different translations of the Bible. She wants to know which Church is Christ's Church. 

Again with testimonies...There is something incredibly powerful that happens to us - as Missionaries - when we open our mouths and testify. The Holy Ghost bears truth to us - and to feel that Spirit working through you..and seeing it touch someone else - is a feeling I cannot explain. I am so grateful to be a part of this great work. 

"And ye shall go forth in the power of my Spirit, preaching my gospel, two by two, in my name, lifting up your voices as with the sound of a trump, declaring my word like unto angels of God" (D&C 42:6).

Liebe Grüße,
Sister Helmick

My lovely District.

Sister Dehdari's daughter, Gwen, wanted to wear our nametags.

Elder Taylor's last meal with us. Transfers!
THIS IS THE REAL LIFE OF A SISTER MISSIONARY: Lots of walking and running to catch trains.

Pizza eating contest... I failed.

Subway in Germany?! Yes please!


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