Sunday, May 17, 2015

I could serve my whole Mission in Saarbrücken and be happy.

May 4th, 2015
Saarbrücken... Mensch.

This week it really hit me, how much I love this city and these people. It is hard to explain what it has been like to be a Sister Missionary here. As I have said before, there have not been Sisters in Saarbrücken for over 20 years. My Trainer, Sister Lyman - and her previous companion opened the area. There has been a lot of work put into starting this area. We have met with so many members, less-active members, and previous investigators. The work that we have been able to provide has been incredibly rewarding, work that Elders just couldn't do in the same way. 

Earlier this week, Sister Lyman and I met with a young mother that we frequently visit with. She has had some personal struggles this last year, and she has felt incredibly lonely. We have been helping her clean and organize her house for about the last month. Our visit this week was something else though. We sat down with her after we had finished tackling another room, and we shared our Spiritual Thought about Trusting in God. 

The Spirit was so strong in that room. As we were talking about Trusting in God - through the good times and the bad. She opened up to us about some of her concerns. We simply listened. As she started talking about what trusting in God meant to her, tears poured down her face. She told us that she felt a new peace, that she knew God was always there, even in the moments that were the hardest. She knew that everything was going to be okay. Ah! I can't tell you how much of an answer that was to some of our prayers for her! 
I feel like every week since I have been serving in Saarbrücken, there have been experiences like these. As Sisters, we have been able to support some of these women who need help. Young or old, it doesn't matter. The important thing is that we are there. 

The husband of a young mother that we regularly visit approached us this last Sunday. He thanked Sister Lyman and I for our weekly visits to his wife. He told us that she has needed us and that he hopes that there will always be Sister Missionaries here in Saarbrücken. Ahhh! I feel so thankful to be here - so thankful to be able to serve these people. As I have been helping lift them up, I have felt lifted up as well. The antidote to feeling down is serving others. 

A well known verse in the Book of Mormon comes to mind, "And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God" (Mosiah 2:17). 

Bottom line, I love my area. I love these people. I could serve my whole Mission in Saarbrücken and be happy... only one downside... THE FOOD. Especially this last week. We had so many food appointments! On Wednesday, we had three back-to-back meal appointments with members, and let me tell you - they are not humble with their food! I am grateful the scale in our apartment is in Kilos so I don't have to cry! Haha.

On that note, Vielen Dank for all of your support, encouragement and love!

Liebe Gruße,
Sister Helmick

Sister Klein took Sister Lyman and I between the border of France and Germany this last week. We actually went to France on accident.

Harry Potter in German?!

Sister Lyman and I were in charge of a stress relief activity during DDM... You bet we broke out the face masks and cucumbers! :)

Soo... during District Meeting, Elder Kress scared Sister Lyman. She is deathly afraid of fish. I think you can tell by the picture what happened.

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